Now operational is our free to use shuttle service exclusively for our car park customers.
To use the shuttle service you will need to show a valid ticket from Stuart Road Carpark either on phone or a ticket from the machine, the ticket is only valid with the time allocated I.e if you purchase from 5am to 5pm, you can only use the service during this time .
There is to be:
no smoking
no eating
no drinking
no standing while in operation
and no anti social behaviour on the bus.
I just wanted to write you a quick note to say that I think your new shuttle service is absolutely brilliant, thank-you so much.
I work at the University and use the car park four days a week, it’s the best place to park and the daily price is very reasonable.
Yesterday I met Shane who was really friendly and explained the new service to me. Today, when I parked he approached me and offered me a lift to the University, he was able to drop me right by my office of work. This really was fantastic service.
I now only hope that there is enough interest for the service to continue. I constantly mention the car park to my colleagues, whom many of them are paying £80 a month for a university space. I shall continue to use the car park, and where possible the shuttle service, whilst at the same time mentioning the great service you have offered.
Shane is an asset to your business, hopefully we can all drum up enough business to keep things going.